
The Bargaining Stone, AKA The Kissing Stone

This curious stone is situated on the south shore of the island. It is actually comprised of two stones, one sitting on top of the other. The bottom stone has a groove or channel running through it. This gives this strange oddity the impression of being a holed stone and like many holed stones it was used to seal deals. The different parties would shake hands through the hole and the deal was sealed. Some may have been marriage agreements, which gave the stone it's alternative name "The Kissing Stone". Another stone used in a similar way is "The Stone of the Gathering" at Glencolumbkille.

Situated: From the west wall of St Mary's Church head south east towards the shore. The stone should be visible behind the bushes on your left.

Discovery Map 58: R 6979 8485. Last visit April 2012.

Longitude: 8° 26' 56" W

Latitude: 52° 54' 49" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and Deb Snelson.

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